SUNDAY MORNING LIVE: This program will take place every Sunday morning from 10am-12pm CST and will consist of two sessions. One on relevant themes from the weekly Torah portion and the second on Contemporary Issues facing Israel and the Jewish community. For the Sunday Morning Live program each JconnecTer will be placed in a small "class" of no more than 9 students together with their own dedicated teacher from Israel. All of the students and the teacher will interact in real time via webcam.
WEEKDAY EXTENDED PROGRAM: This program will allow those students who want a slightly more intensive Jewish educational experience to do so with the help of an expert educator but at whatever time fits with their undoubtedly hectic weekly schedule. Twice a week, "classes" consisting of short pre-recorded videos from our teachers in Israel, mixed with self-study assignments, will be posted to a special wikispace designed for that course. Through the wikispace, students will be able to view and comment on classmate's work and once a week, the teacher will have designated "office hours" at which time he or she will be available for live questions or clarification of that week's material.
To register, fill out the online application below!