News about Jconnect, a virtual Judaic Studies program for Middle School students, connecting them to Judaism, Israel, and each other.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Memphis Shabbaton a Big Hit

Earlier this month we had our second JconnecT Shabbaton.  The JconnecTers, ranging from 6th grade to 10th grade, all came to Memphis to enjoy a fun-filled weekend with Jewish peers their own age from the Memphis community.  Friday night featured a lively kabbalat shabbat at the Baron Hirsch Congregation followed by Friday night dinner at the homes of Memphis teens.  After dinner the JconnecTers and the Memphis teens got together at the home of Rabbi Uriel Lubetski for an Oneg Shabbat.

Shabbat morning started with shacharit at Baron Hirsch followed by kiddush and then lunch at the home of Rabbi Perl.  Joining the JconnecTers at the Perl home for shabbat lunch were the high school students who are part of the MHA / FYOS  dormitory program.  Together they represented Jewish teens from Alabama, Tennessee, Illinois, Wisconsin, South Carolina, New York, Michigan, and Ohio.  Needless to say, the JconnecTers felt completely at home.  The conversation, food, lively zemirot and divrei Torah made for an enjoyable experience for all.

After a nice afternoon break, the JconnecTers reassembled at Baron Hirsch for a class, followed by mincha, shalosh seudot with the Memphis teens, ma'ariv, and havdalah.  The best was yet to come, though.

On Saturday night, the JconnecTers joined Akiva Somer, a Memphis 9th grader, at his in-home movie theater to watch the Final Four with some pizza and ice cream, followed by a night swim in his pool and a dip in the jacuzzi.  It was a fantastic way to end what was a fantastic weekend.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

JconnecT Featured at NAJDSC

Rabbi Perl and Mrs. Goldstein presented the JconnecT program as part of a session on eLearning at the North American Jewish Day School Conference last week in Los Angeles.  The feedback was fantastic and it has led to a flurry of conversations with Day Schools, organizations, community representatives, and parents as to the myriad possibilities JconnecT presents for creating social and educational connections between Jewish teens all over the globe.  Stay tuned for more...

In the meantime, have a look at Mrs. Goldstein's slides from her presentation:

JconnecT JDS Conference

Sunday, January 30, 2011

JconnecT Video

Watch our new JconnecT video featuring Mrs. Goldstein, Rabbi Perl, and several of members of our inaugural JconnecT class!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Inaugural Semester Complete!

We've now completed the first semester of JconnecT and it has exceeded even our greatest expectations.  With 20 students now enrolled from 5 different states the program is really finding its stride.

Here's a review of the material covered in our parashat ha-shavuah class this past semester.  There are still spots open for the coming semester, so if you know of others who may be interested just send them our way!