View recorded JconnecT sessions with Yecholya, our Chinese guest speaker (second from left, pink sweater), who made aliyah 5 years ago from Kaifeng, China. View it here! Password is Jconnect. Click the icon of the video camera in the corner of the screen to see Mrs. Goldstein, and hear Jconnecters Yoni Brande, Jordan Rich (Birmingham, AL) and Ariel Schwarzer (NJ). (PLEASE NOTE: In an actual JconnecT session all participants can see live video of each other. In the recording, however, only the video of the presenter is visible.)
In the beginning of the lesson, Mrs. Goldstein introduces natural vs. miraculous redemption of Kibbutz Galuyot, the gathering of the exiles, to Israel. The interview with Yecholya begins at 27:12. Too Funny: Yoni's sister, Sara, came to the camera to practice her Chinese online with Yecholya, as she studies it in school. Yecholya gave her a thumbs up!
Virtually 'meet' Michael Freund, Chairman of the Shavei Israel Organization, who assists Jews from far flung regions of the world to rediscover their Jewish roots and often make the move to Israel. Their stories are moving and inspiring. As Freund states, "instead of us strengthening them, it is they who strengthen us."